
Shopping in the Digital Age – a Psychological Battle

Shopping in the Digital Age – a Psychological Battle by Krissy Gianforte | 14 October 2018 Imagine your last trip to Target. You entered the store with your shopping list in-hand, intending to buy “just a few things”. As you walked down the aisles, though, extra items caught your eye – a cute coffee mug, or a soft throw blanket… [Read more...]

Hiding in Plain Sight: A Tutorial on Obfuscation

Hiding in Plain Sight: A Tutorial on Obfuscation by Andrew Mamroth | 14 October 2018 In 2010, the Federal Trade Commission pledged to give internet users the power to determine if or when websites were allowed to track their behavior. This was the so called “Do Not Track” list. Now in 2018, this project has been sidelined and widely ignored… [Read more...]

Content Integrity and the Dubious Ethics of Censorship

Content Integrity and the Dubious Ethics of Censorship By Aidan Feay | September 30th, 2018 In the wake of Alex Jones’ exile from every social media platform, questions about censorship and content integrity are swirling around the web. Platforms like Jones’ Infowars propagate misinformation under the guise of genuine journalism while serving a distinctly more sinister agenda. Aided by the… [Read more...]

Mapping the Organic Organization

Mapping the Organic Organization Thoughts on the development of a Network Graph for your company Creating the perfect organization for a business is hard. It has to maintain alignment of goals and vision, enable the movement of innovation and ideas, develop the products and services and deliver them, apply the processes and controls needed to remain disciplined, safe and sustainable,… [Read more...]

May we recommend…some Ethics?

May we recommend…some Ethics? by Jessica Hays | September 30, 2018 The internet today is awash with recommender systems. Some pop to mind quickly – like Netflix’s suggestions of shows to binge, or Amazon’s nudges towards products you may like. These tools use your personal history on their site, along with troves of data from other users, to predict… [Read more...]

Workplace monitoring

Workplace monitoring by Anonymous on September 30, 2018 We never intended to build a pervasive workplace monitoring system – We just wanted to replace a clunky system of shared spreadsheets and email. Our new system was intended to track customer orders as they moved through the factory. Workers finding a problem in the production process could quickly check order history… [Read more...]

What do GDPR and the #MeToo Movement Have in Common?

What do GDPR and the #MeToo Movement Have in Common? By Asher Sered | October 21, 2018 At first glance it might be hard to see what the #MeToo movement has in common with the General Data Protection Rule (GDPR), the new monumental European regulation that governs the collection and analysis of commercially collected data. One is a 261 page… [Read more...]

GDPR Will Transform Insurance Industry’s Business Model

GDPR Will Transform Insurance Industry’s Business Model By Amit Tyagi | October 21, 2018 The European Union wide General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, came into force on May 25, 2018, with significant penalties for non-compliance. In one sweep, GDPR harmonizes data protection rules across the EU and gives greater rights to individuals over how their data is used. GDPR… [Read more...]