Install Git on your computer

Git is a popular version control system that enables users to maintain a full control history of their code, as well as be able to create multiple “parallel universes” (called branches) that can be worked on at the same time. Git enables multiple users to work independently on the same set of files, and has a number of was to facilitate the merging of changes from multiple sources together.

For an infinitely better explanation of Git, please look at this guide.

For now, here’s some instructions on how to install git on your machine.


  1. Go to Hyper (or your terminal)
  2. Enter: git –version
  3. If you see a version number, you are all set. If not, you should have been prompted to download Xcode command tools. Select yes and follow the prompts


  • Please ensure you have the Windows Subsystem installed. If you missed Michael’s instructions on how to do so please go here. I now recommend every windows user to have WSL installed since you will have a full linux environment and that will help unify the set of instructions on how to setup other systems throughout the glass.
  • Git is most likely already installed on your linux subsystem: please enter git –version in your linux terminal.
  • If you do not see a version number, please enter:
    • sudo apt install git