Lab 3a: Create your own first server

Let’s build your first server!

Some prerequisites:

  1. Be sure to run pip3 install flask in the terminal to ensure that flask is installed

Let’s build a webserver:

You are tasked to build a webserver (called that has three endpoints:

  1. If someone goes to http://localhost:5000/, the server returns the string
    1. <h1>Hello!</h1><p>Congrats on building your own server!</p><br /></br /><a href="/page2">Go to the next page</a>
  2. If someone goes to http://localhost:5000/page2the server should return the string:
    1. <h1>This is page 2!</h1><p>let us move to page three</p><br /></br /><a href="/page3">Go to the next page</a>
  3. If someone goes to http://localhost:5000/page3 the server should return the string:
    1. <h1>This is page 3!</h1><p>And of end of our journey!</p>

Please be sure to return the responses listed exactly as shown. If not then the unit tests will not function correctly.

How to test:

    • Please run the following commands in your terminal to install the requests package to your Python installation.
      • pip3 install requests
        pip3 install pytest
      • Requests is a python library that makes making HTTP requests (e.g. when you type “”, you are making an http request) from within Python easier. We will be using this library a lot in this class, so this unit test is an introduction to the package.a
      • Pytest is a functional testing framework that’s popularly used in industry. It also eliminates the need to write classes in order to write tests.
    • Please save the below file as and run the following unit test using the command pytest
      • import requests
        def test_home():
            page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000')
            true_content = '<h1>Hello!</h1><p>Congrats on building your own server!' +\
                '</p><br /></br /><a href="/page2">Go to the next page</a>'
            assert str(page.text) == true_content
        def test_page2():
            page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/page2')
            true_content = '<h1>This is page 2!</h1><p>let us move to page three</p>' +\
                '<br /></br /><a href="/page3">Go to the next page</a>'
            assert str(page.text) == true_content
        def test_page3():
            page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/page3')
            true_content = '<h1>This is page 3!</h1><p>And of end of our journey!</p>'
            assert str(page.text) == true_content
      • When it all passes your are done! The unit test is sending HTTP requests to your server and determining if it is returning the right content.