Lab 3b: Create your own first server, part 2

Let’s continue

Let’s add on to with the following endpoints

  1. If someone goes to http://localhost:5000/hello/Mike, the server returns the string
    1. <h1>Hello Mike</h1>
  2. If someone goes to http://localhost:5000/hello/Sarah, the server returns the string
    1. <h1>Hello Sarah</h1>
  3. If anything is typed after ‘/hello’ like http://localhost:5000/hello/sdFKLJafdj the server should return the string:
    1. <h1>Hello sdFKLJafdj</h1>

Please be sure to return the responses listed exactly as shown. If not then the unit tests will not function correctly.

How to test:


    • Add the following code to and run it using the command pytest
      • def test_hello_mike():
            page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/hello/mike')
            true_content = '<h1>Hello mike</h1>'
            assert str(page.text) == true_content
        def test_hello_sarah():
            page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/hello/sarah')
            true_content = '<h1>Hello sarah</h1>'
            assert str(page.text) == true_content
        def test_hello_crazy():
            page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/hello/crazy')
            true_content = '<h1>Hello crazy</h1>'
            assert str(page.text) == true_content
        def test_hello_asfdasdf():
            page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/hello/asfdasdf')
            true_content = '<h1>Hello asfdasdf</h1>'
            assert str(page.text) == true_content
      • When it all passes your are done! The unit test is sending HTTP requests to your server and determining if it is returning the right content.