Lab 2: Build your own server

Let’s build your first server!

Some prerequisites:

  1. Be sure to run pip3 install flask in the terminal to ensure that flask is installed

Let’s build a webserver:

You are tasked to build a webserver (called that has three endpoints:

If someone goes to http://localhost:5000/, the server returns the string

<h1>Hello!</h1><p>Congrats on building your own server!</p><br /></br /><a href="/page2">Go to the next page</a>

If someone goes to http://localhost:5000/page2the server should return the string:

<h1>This is page 2!</h1><p>let us move to page three</p><br /></br /><a href="/page3">Go to the next page</a>

If someone goes to http://localhost:5000/page3 the server should return the string:

<h1>This is page 3!</h1><p>And of end of our journey!</p>

Please be sure to return the responses listed exactly as shown. If not then the unit tests will not function correctly.

How to test:

Please run the following commands in your terminal to install the requests package to your Python installation.

pip3 install requests pip3 install pytest

Requests is a python library that makes making HTTP requests (e.g. when you type “”, you are making an http request) from within Python easier. We will be using this library a lot in this class, so this unit test is an introduction to the package.a

Pytest is a functional testing framework that’s popularly used in industry. It also eliminates the need to write classes in order to write tests.

Please save the below file as and run the following unit test using the command pytest

import requests 
def test_home(): 
    page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000') 
    true_content = '<h1>Hello!</h1><p>Congrats on building your own server!' +\
        '</p><br /></br /><a href="/page2">Go to the next page</a>' 
    assert str(page.text) == true_content 

def test_page2(): 
    page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/page2') 
    true_content = '<h1>This is page 2!</h1><p>let us move to page three</p>' +\
        '<br /></br /><a href="/page3">Go to the next page</a>' 
    assert str(page.text) == true_content 

def test_page3(): 
    page = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/page3') true_content = '<h1>This is page 3!</h1><p>And of end of our journey!</p>' assert str(page.text) == true_content

When it all passes your are done! The unit test is sending HTTP requests to your server and determining if it is returning the right content.